What Are The Bicycle Helmet Laws In Georgia?

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What Are The Bicycle Helmet Laws In Georgia?

Riding a bicycle around Georgia can be a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to get around, especially in cities like Macon. But did you know that bicycles are legally considered vehicles in Georgia? That means they’re subject to state laws like cars, trucks, and buses. 

If you’re thinking about getting into cycling, it’s essential that you remain aware of the laws that apply to this activity. One area that’s unique to bicycles is the state’s rules surrounding helmets. With that in mind, here’s a close look at bicycle helmet laws in Georgia and some tips on how to stay safe while riding.

The Basic Bicycle Laws

All Georgia bike owners must follow a few basic bicycle laws, including the following:

  • Georgia Law 40-6-292: states that no bicycle rider can have a passenger riding on the handlebars
  • Georgia Law 40-6-295: states that bike riders must not take any actions that prevent them from keeping at least one hand on the handlebars
  • Georgia Law 40-6-296: states that bicycles used at nighttime must be equipped with a white light visible from 300 feet to the front and a red light visible from 300 feet to the rear

These laws are just a few of the many rules that bicycle riders must follow in Georgia. But what about the helmet laws? 

Georgia’s Helmet Laws

There are no federal laws surrounding bicycle helmets, meaning it is up to individual states to determine any rules that bicycle riders must follow. There rules for helmet laws in Georgia have to do with the age of the rider. 

In particular, if you are under the age of 16, you must wear a helmet when riding a bike in the state. If you fall into the age range where a helmet is required, you cannot be imprisoned or fined for not wearing one, but your parents may be charged. 

By law, people over 16 do not need to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle; however, it is still wise to do so. Additionally, all helmets are required to comply with American National Standards Institute or Snell requirements.

Safety Tips for Bicycle Helmets

Riding a bike without a helmet leaves you more susceptible to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in the event of a bicycle accident. There are, however, still some safety tips you should follow, including:

  • Ride a Bicycle That’s Right for Your Size: Don’t get a bicycle that’s too short (where your knees touch the ground) or too long (where your feet can’t reach the pedals).
  • Pay Attention to Road Hazards: Potholes, dips in the road, and uneven pavement are just a few of the many road hazards that can cause serious injury if you’re not careful.
  • Keep Both Hands on the Handlebars: This will allow you to maintain control over your bike.
  • Try Not to Ride After Dark: Despite your best efforts, you will be less visible to drivers in the dark than in the light.
  • Make Yourself Visible: Wear bright colors and a reflective bike vest so drivers can see you, regardless of the weather conditions.
  • Always Inspect Your Equipment: Ensure your equipment works correctly before getting on a bike, as failed equipment can lead to a devastating accident.

Again, while you are not legally required to wear a helmet in Georgia, you should wear one to avoid catastrophic injuries. 

Stay Safe And Follow The Law

Regardless of where you ride your bike in Georgia, you must always follow the law. Take extra precautions when riding, as accidents will be more devastating due to your direct exposure to the elements. Above all else, wear your helmet and stay safe.

Contact Our Bicycle Accident Law Firm at The King Firm Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers For Help Today

For more information, please contact The King Firm Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers at your nearest location to schedule a free case evaluation today.

We have three convenient locations throughout Georgia:

The King Firm Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers – Tifton Office
1603 US Hwy 41, Tifton, GA 31794
(229) 386-1376

The King Firm Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers – Griffin Office
3317 Fayetteville Rd, Griffin, GA 30223
(404) 567-4546

The King Firm Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers – Macon Office
886 Mulberry St, Macon, GA 31201
(478) 292-7272

Or if you would prefer to reach out to us online, please visit our contact us page.

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